Acupuncture for Back Pain – Part III – Thoraco Lumbar Fascia (TLF)
Acupuncture provides relief from back pain
In the first and second article on back pain, bad posture was discussed. Now we will be examining the Thoraco Lumbar Fascia (TLF).
What is TLF?
TLF is a dense diamond shaped fibrous sheet which provides connection for the following muscles:
Upper portion of TLF – Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboid major
Middle portion of TLF – Diaphragm and internal obliques
Lower portion of TLF – Quadratus lumborum, Gluteus maximus, Longissium, Iliocastalis, Spinal erectors, Mutifidi
Fibers from these muscles merge together to form the TLF, a […]